Winter Warrior Finland 1.3.2025
Winter Warrior ® Finland is a 2-7 hour international obstacle course race held in Tampere, featuring a running route with obstacles set in the scenic surroundings of Lake Näsijärvi. The race starts and finishes at Särkänniemi.
The longest race route is approximately 25 kilometers. Distances include approximately 6 km, 13 km, and 25 km.
The event is organized by:
Winter Warrior Finland
Maria Christensen, tel. 050-339 6966
Simo Lahtinen, tel. 044-4166 584
Age limit
The minimum age for participants is 18. Exceptions: those aged 16 may participate with a signed parental consent form, and those aged 12 may participate in the Fun Warrior series accompanied by a parent or guardian. It is recommended that younger participants take part alongside an adult. All participants compete at their own risk.
Competitive series
There are two competitive series Full Warrior approximately 25 km and Half Warrior approximately 13 km.
The competitive series are for those who wish to race seriously. All obstacles must be completed or at least attempted sincerely. There are technically challenging obstacles, and if an attempt fails, participants may continue by performing a specified penalty. Competitive participants have priority access to obstacles.
All participants receive a Winter Warrior Finland product. Finishers who complete the course successfully will also receive a medal.
Flag bearers
In the Full Warrior series, the first participant from each country to reach the final stretch will carry their national flag. The final stretch includes obstacles. If another participant overtakes the flag bearer, they may take the flag. Thus, the first finisher from each country will earn the honor of flag bearer and join the Flag Bearers’ Hall of Fame.
Fun Warrior
Fun Warrior is an approximately 6 km route designed for those who want to challenge themselves individually or as a group but prefer a more relaxed approach. This series has no timing; everyone who finishes is a winner.
The route shares the final section of the competitive series and includes the same obstacles, but completing obstacles is not mandatory. Penalties for skipping obstacles are left to participants’ discretion. Participants must yield to competitors from the competitive series at shared obstacles.
Participants must register at the race office, either the evening before the race or on the morning of race day. ID verification is required during registration. Detailed instructions will be provided separately.
Route and obstacles
The race starts and finishes at Särkänniemi. Competitive series start in waves between 9-12, followed by the Fun Warrior series. Start times may be staggered as needed. Participants must arrive at least 1 hour before their start time. Specific schedules will be announced separately. Participation under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited.
The route is approximately 25 kilometers, primarily on Lake Näsijärvi and its shores. It also passes through Kauppi Forest, featuring elevation changes and challenging snowy terrain. Obstacles include crossing, crawling under, or climbing over natural elements like snow and ice, as well as icy water obstacles that require full immersion.
The route is clearly marked. If participants notice any missing markings, they must inform staff immediately. Participants must follow the marked route and obey all staff instructions. In the competitive series, all obstacles must be completed successfully. Swimming skills may be necessary. Safety precautions should be observed at all times due to the risk of injury.
The organizer reserves the right to change the route or obstacles at any time. Maps and obstacle descriptions published online or elsewhere are indicative only.
Race time and withdrawal
The organizer sets a race end time by which all participants must finish or withdraw. Intermediate checkpoints may also have deadlines. The organizer may withdraw a participant at their discretion, especially if there are concerns about health or safety.
Participants can withdraw at any time by notifying the organizer. They must follow the marked route to the next obstacle or aid station, where they can report to staff. If injured, fellow participants are required to assist to the best of their ability and inform the organizer promptly.
Timing and results
Competitive series are timed, and results will be published on the event website. Detailed timing information and instructions will be provided to participants separately. Prizes will be awarded during the evening ceremony.
Complaints must be submitted in writing to the organizer within one hour of the race’s end.
Environment and littering
The race takes place in the Lake Näsijärvi area. All participants must follow rules to prevent environmental damage. Leaving the marked route or damaging vegetation is prohibited. Littering is strictly forbidden. Energy wrappers and other waste must be carried or disposed of at designated aid stations. Littering will result in a €100 fine and disqualification.
Participants are not insured by the organizer during the event. Each participant competes at their own risk and understands the physical and mental demands of the race. Weather can be unpredictable, and there may be significant snow. Water obstacles are extremely cold, and hypothermia is a real risk. Participants are responsible for their own health and safety.
Clothing and footwear
Participants must wear suitable trail running shoes. Shoes with metal spikes are prohibited for safety reasons.
Costumes are allowed but must not hinder or endanger other participants. Weather conditions should be considered. Technical materials are recommended, as clothing will get wet. Gloves are also recommended.
Participants must bring a change of dry clothes to wear immediately after the race.
The organizer has the right to determine which attire or equipment is allowed. Participants must comply or forfeit their participation.
Safety and first aid
There will be a first aid team at the start/finish area and aid stations. Staff along the route can call for help if needed.
Cold conditions pose a particular risk of hypothermia. Participants should keep moving to stay warm. Warming stations will be available near water obstacles for those unable to continue due to cold exposure.
Personal belongings
The organizer is not responsible for participants’ personal belongings before, during, or after the race. Efforts will be made to provide secure storage for personal items during the event.
Personal data
Winter Warrior Finland reserves the right to store participants’ personal data and use it for event and partner marketing purposes. See the privacy policy for more details.
Photos and videos
Winter Warrior Finland owns the rights to all photos and videos taken during the event and may use them for marketing purposes without compensation.
The organizer reserves the right to disqualify participants for breaking rules or behaving inappropriately.
Winter Warrior Finland may reschedule or cancel the event due to hazardous weather conditions or other unavoidable circumstances.